Sunday, January 30, 2011

you've gotta watch this

I was wathcing American Idol just now, and there was this really sad but sweet story about this guy still loyal to his fiance after she got into a car accident. Watch. It's so touching. I cried watching this. Here's the link if you wanna watch.

scoliosis surgery

I've had scoliosis since I was 9. Didn't tell anyone about it until recently, only told the closest friends before. If you don't know what scoliosis is, look it up or something. Or not. Lol. I was suppose to do the surgery when I was 13. But I got scared and chose not to do it. As I grew older, it got worse. Double curved. Like an 'S' shaped spine. For some poeple theirs will just stay the same and not get any curvier. But mine was the kind that keeps on going, it got to 70 degrees. Which is bad. Hmm -.- whenever I walk for at least 20 minutes, it will start to hurt & I have to take a break then continue walking. So in 2008 I went to a chiroprator where I did treatments for my spine at damansara heights for about a year, I kinda didn't show up anymore. Cause i didn't find any difference. So last year I finally made up my mind to do it cause the cramps and aching just got really bad. Doctor said the only option was surgery. So I made up my mind. It was suppose to be in december but I had to go on a family vacation, so it was on January 25th. I was so excited and counted down the days :)
So I told my friends about it, I didn't really like the fact that I chose the 25th of this year since its my SPM year and I'd have to miss 2 months of school. But I will still study on my own and continue with tuitions soon. 
Went to the hospital a day before the surgery to get a room and get my blood checked. Took so long to get a room cause the hospital was so full. So when I finally got a room, I wasn't happy. It was smelly and with another person who had so many visitors. I needed lots of rest cause I had to be awake by 5am. So I decided to just sleep at home. The next day was the day, I was scared but I had to do it. So I left for the hospital, blablabla.. then they put me to sleep. Next thing I knew, I was in the ICU with all sorts of things attached to me. From what I remember, I only had one injection jarum thing in my hand. then when I woke up I couldn't here clearly, just the doctors and family talking to me but I couldn't answer cause I was still drousy from the anesticia. I was asleep for most of the day until the second day. On the 2nd day they moved me to a normal room. On that day was the day I could feel the pain. It was bad. the 3rd day was alright, the doctor came and showed the new xray, it is now 10 degrees. Which is so much better than before. the doctor tried to make me stand up and try walking for the first time after the surgery. But I only managed to do 3 small steps with the walker. I couldn't even look in front, pening. Well since I was in bed for 3 days. No blood circulation. But later that night, I told my dad I wanted to try to walk. So he helped me up. And I was surprised I could! without feeling ditzy. I am now 2 inches taller, 5'2 and taller than my mum :D still short but I grew overnight. Lol. My parents took turns watching after me. Then on the 4th day I did physiotherapy, the first session wasnt good, I couldn't walk much, I couldn't do that many activities. I was weak.  but for the 2nd session, 4 hours later. I was a lot better, I wasn't ditzy at all and I could walk faster. And on the 5th day, I did more physiotherapy. A lot of improvement, and I'm glad. Right after I was done, my mum told me I can already get discharged, since doctor said I'm able to walk and no fever. That so made my day :') I was so looking forward to going home. So later that day my mum packed everything up and we left. Went hope and everyone said I looked taller and so much thinner. but in fact I gained 5 kg's. And I thought it was casue of the brace, but my dad said it's not. Its made of titanium and its really light. I guess its cause of the hospital food, cause it was so good!  I am not completely recovered, takes about 6 months. Just getting lots of rest at home.

So all in all, I'm happy I did it and it was so worth it :)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Holiday 2010

So right now I'm in San Francisco, staying at Ghirardelli Square. This place is awesome! I can see The Bay Bridge from the terrace. Today is our 5th day here. The people here are not too bad. There's some crazy people singing randomly and swearing here and there. But the food here is delicious, there are some really cool transportation here like the cable car. The streets and buildings are really nice. The weather is quite  cold. I'm liking San Francisco :) More of sight seeing than shopping here. Everything is so expensive. 
So Honolulu was pretty fun. Didn't go to the beach that much. Even though that's the important part. Lol. The weather was just too hot. Didn't wanna get sunburnt. The people were.. okay la. Bruno Mars was there to perform. Balik kampung for xmas. But I'm not a fan so I didn't go. Did A LOT of shopping there though. We had a lot more luggage when we were leaving for San Francisco. So my parents said enough shopping. I'm alright with that. lol
The flight to Hawaii was sooo long! From KL to Tokyo was 6 hours, then we were there for 3 hours to wait for the next flight which was 5 hours. It was uncomfortable and there were really boring movies. We were just tired and jet lagged. We celebrated my grandad's 76th birthday yesterday and went to his friend's house for dinner. Had rice and malaysian food there for the first time after so long. Felt like home :)
I am so home sick right now. I miss my grandma back at home, I miss my bed, I miss lazing around at home. I just miss KL :( can't wait to go home. But not looking forward to the long flight. The day I get back, school will already be opened. I might miss the first day. Senior year =/ yikes.

Will update more about the coming 2 day trip Tokyo next week.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

counting down the days

Been doing A LOT of shopping for the past few days. gloves, winter clothes etc. I've already started packing about a week ago but halfway through I kinda stopped. Gonna really sort through today. My uncle and his family just left this morning. They're so lucky they get 4 days more. lol

A short update :
Honolulu from the 12th until the 20th
San Francisco from the 21st until the 30th
Tokyo on the 31st until 2nd

Been having really good days ever since the day school ended for this year :) Next year will be one hell of a tough year, not only cause of SPM. Just the thought of it makes me feels scared. Forget about that. Oh can you please vote for my cousin Harez Rayyan Nor for the Gap advertisment, the link is on my facebook page :) So nice of you if you did. Thanks! Hehe.  

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hey.. whoever reading this :) A lot has been happening for the past few days. My younger sister slept over at my cousin's house, they got to go to sunway lagoon while I had to be in the hospital for 4 hours today -.- 
went to midvalley yesterday with Alina, Tariq and Aiman. Watched the suckiest 'true horror' movie ever in the history of horror movies called 'Haunted Changi'. That movie shouldn't even be released in the box office in the first place! Haha. Then we watched 'You Again' which was really funny and worth watching :) Initially we planned to do a movie marathon and watch like 4 movies in one day but there were not many interesting movies. To Asla, Fana, Zam, Diyana. We must go out.. anytime before the 12th. I'll be overseas on the 12th of December until the 3rd of Jan. A day before school, I would probably be jet lagged and not be able to go to school. Yes! :D Lol. I loooove the holidays. My sister has been sitting for her SPM since.. 23rd if I'm not mistaken. She's doing pretty good, no surprise :) Alright I'll keep this updated soon. Till then!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

another school year has gone

I still remember clearly the beginning of this year, how I reacted when I got to be in the same class as Asilla for the first time ever. This year the school gave us form 4's to choose which class we'd like to be in. but not that easily la, if you did alright in pmr. So me and Asla chose 4 maju, cause it felt right choosing that class, sub-science stream. Geraldine and Roshinni got maju as well :) we had to wait 3 days to finally get a class. We chose to sit at the very last row in class. which i didn't like after a few months. Hehh. but then Roshinni decides to change to another class, 4 Ikhlas. Then Claudia moved to BB from Hartamas. She's awesome. So me, asla, geral and claudia combined the four tables into one row. We actually wanted to rearrange it back to before but we were too lazy and got used to it. So we didn't mind. Plus, it would be easier to get to talk to Zahier and Maan. Funny people surrounded me ;) as the year goes, the studies and subjects are just too hard to cope with. I was considering switching to other streams. But my school doesn't have that many options. So I just had to stick with the class I'm in. Tough year and i hated it. But now that its over, Imma feel all.. nostalgic. Haha. No not really. Kinda glad its over but I've had some good times. I hope next year will be nicer :) Fana moved this year to cempaka, asla will be moving next year to setia alam. I will not let any more of my closest friends move :p
Yesterday would probably be the last day I'll be going to school this year. Took many pictures with my friends. Went to school also to return my text books. But when I was on my way to school, I realized one book is missing. But I have it at home. But I don't think I'm gonna give that back. Lazy to go to school. Lol

Thursday, November 11, 2010

the smell of freedom

Finals are finally over! Man this feels great! I know the break & freedom is only for 2 months but still I'm gonna appreciate every second of it. I really needed this break. I don't think I would even bother coming to school to collect any results, some people say we won't even get it until next year. Already made some plans with some friends for the holidays. Well, for next week but still.. I count that as a holiday :p Most of my friends will be working during the holidays, which is good. But what I'm gonna do is just sleep, relax & enjoy :) 
Oh you know, today I chose to not wear my st johns uniform cause it makes me sweat. I don't know why asla says I don't sweat at all but I do in my st johns uniform. I'm not even in st johns! just that the other uniform is ugleh. So I was lazy to wear it, just this ONE time, my first time ever I decide to wear the normal school uniform on a wednesday. And SO many others did the same! like 30 people at least. En Khairi got pissed and told us all to run 2 rounds on the school field. Of all the days, today. I thought I just had to write my name which was the usual denda. Just that. Then can go back to class. Wrong timing I guess :p right after assembly, everyone tried to escape from running around the field. Not 2 or 3 people you know, each and every one of us. Haha. But the prefects managed to catch all of us. So we had to do it anyway. The first round we cheated, as in we did little circles instead of one whole field. En Khairi again, got pissed. Told us to do it properly, so we did. Then went back to class sweating! well a little but still. the reason I didn't wanna wear the koko clothes is cause i don't wanna sweat in the first place. Haha. I don't even see the point of wearing it during a normal school day. Jeeez. If its like once a year ok la. But yeah, then I sat for physics paper 3 then 2. It wasn't easy. Went back home and slept for 4 hours. from 3 to 6. But my sister slept from 3 until 9! Now it's 12 am and I'm not sleepy AT ALL. Thinking of watching a movie or something.
Wow this is quite a long post huh. I hardly ever post ladis, like a whole essay. But i'll try to blog like this more often so that I can read back in the future. Hope it wasn't boring. That's all. Will blog again soon!