Saturday, December 25, 2010

Holiday 2010

So right now I'm in San Francisco, staying at Ghirardelli Square. This place is awesome! I can see The Bay Bridge from the terrace. Today is our 5th day here. The people here are not too bad. There's some crazy people singing randomly and swearing here and there. But the food here is delicious, there are some really cool transportation here like the cable car. The streets and buildings are really nice. The weather is quite  cold. I'm liking San Francisco :) More of sight seeing than shopping here. Everything is so expensive. 
So Honolulu was pretty fun. Didn't go to the beach that much. Even though that's the important part. Lol. The weather was just too hot. Didn't wanna get sunburnt. The people were.. okay la. Bruno Mars was there to perform. Balik kampung for xmas. But I'm not a fan so I didn't go. Did A LOT of shopping there though. We had a lot more luggage when we were leaving for San Francisco. So my parents said enough shopping. I'm alright with that. lol
The flight to Hawaii was sooo long! From KL to Tokyo was 6 hours, then we were there for 3 hours to wait for the next flight which was 5 hours. It was uncomfortable and there were really boring movies. We were just tired and jet lagged. We celebrated my grandad's 76th birthday yesterday and went to his friend's house for dinner. Had rice and malaysian food there for the first time after so long. Felt like home :)
I am so home sick right now. I miss my grandma back at home, I miss my bed, I miss lazing around at home. I just miss KL :( can't wait to go home. But not looking forward to the long flight. The day I get back, school will already be opened. I might miss the first day. Senior year =/ yikes.

Will update more about the coming 2 day trip Tokyo next week.

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