Thursday, November 11, 2010

the smell of freedom

Finals are finally over! Man this feels great! I know the break & freedom is only for 2 months but still I'm gonna appreciate every second of it. I really needed this break. I don't think I would even bother coming to school to collect any results, some people say we won't even get it until next year. Already made some plans with some friends for the holidays. Well, for next week but still.. I count that as a holiday :p Most of my friends will be working during the holidays, which is good. But what I'm gonna do is just sleep, relax & enjoy :) 
Oh you know, today I chose to not wear my st johns uniform cause it makes me sweat. I don't know why asla says I don't sweat at all but I do in my st johns uniform. I'm not even in st johns! just that the other uniform is ugleh. So I was lazy to wear it, just this ONE time, my first time ever I decide to wear the normal school uniform on a wednesday. And SO many others did the same! like 30 people at least. En Khairi got pissed and told us all to run 2 rounds on the school field. Of all the days, today. I thought I just had to write my name which was the usual denda. Just that. Then can go back to class. Wrong timing I guess :p right after assembly, everyone tried to escape from running around the field. Not 2 or 3 people you know, each and every one of us. Haha. But the prefects managed to catch all of us. So we had to do it anyway. The first round we cheated, as in we did little circles instead of one whole field. En Khairi again, got pissed. Told us to do it properly, so we did. Then went back to class sweating! well a little but still. the reason I didn't wanna wear the koko clothes is cause i don't wanna sweat in the first place. Haha. I don't even see the point of wearing it during a normal school day. Jeeez. If its like once a year ok la. But yeah, then I sat for physics paper 3 then 2. It wasn't easy. Went back home and slept for 4 hours. from 3 to 6. But my sister slept from 3 until 9! Now it's 12 am and I'm not sleepy AT ALL. Thinking of watching a movie or something.
Wow this is quite a long post huh. I hardly ever post ladis, like a whole essay. But i'll try to blog like this more often so that I can read back in the future. Hope it wasn't boring. That's all. Will blog again soon!

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