Saturday, July 17, 2010


Woke up at 7.30 in the morning today. Geral fetched me from home to go to MGS for the dancing thingy. We got there early. The only reason I went there is just to watch nabiha perform, buuut Zam had to go to the toilet, we thought they were performing at 11.15 and it was only 10.40 so we went la. Then when we came back, she said she already danced. We were like whaaaaaaat!? Felt so rugi. Wasted 10 bucks for nothing. After that we (me, alina and zam) went to Timesquare. Wanted to watch Toy's Story 3. But the line was loooong! So we just walked around looking at clothes. I bought something at Nichii. It was expensive. Used up all my money to buy that one top. That one also must use some of alina's money. Then we took the train to KL Central. Alina's brother fetched us from there. Went over to her house for about half an hour. Then my dad had trouble finding the way to her house. We had to walk to Mid Valley to make things easier. I got blisters all over my feet! Went back home and ate A LOT. Didn't eat anything since I woke up until 4 pm. Might as well fast. Lol. Now I'm just sharing my story with ya'll. gonna take a shower.

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