Saturday, July 31, 2010

So many many people I know are going to Worldstage today. Both of my sisters are going, except me. Not a fan of any of the artist that are perfoming. Plus, my mum doesn't really like the idea worldstage is less than a week before the 2nd monthly test. She wants me to study at home instead. My sister HAS to go cause Tokio Hotel is gonna be there and she's a HUGE-er than huge fan so she can't miss it, she has her monthly test too. I just finished having chemistry tuition and I have physics tuition later at 4. I totally forgot about chemistry tuition this morning then my maid came in the room to wake me up. damn kelam kabut I had to faster shower while teacher was waiting. Lol. Right now I'm just enjoying my bowl of laksa while doing... this. I wanna swim but the weather is too hot. Everyone else is STILL sleeping and it's 12! 

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