Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I should blog more often lah. cause lately there's been so many things going on.. but that's one of the reasons why i don't blog. I don't have the time. haishh. So today Harez came over, after more than a month not seeing him.. since every time he comes over, i'm not at home :( so spent some time with him and all. yay! Oh Harez is my baby cousin. Posted about his birth some time before. You care ah? haha

anywayss.. school has been the same, nothing has changed. Studies so far so good, i can keep up. SO FAR lah. Its hard to focus in class with the fun and talkative friends i have :) It's nice having them in class, release the tension! haha.

and it's already february? so fasssst :S 
so now.. i'm heading for the tv. wanna watch Glee :D then start studying, if i don't get addicted to the tv lah. which is haaaard. 

eh don't you hate it when there's so many things to watch and you can't decide which one to choose?
or when there's absolutely nothing nice on and its a boring day? like the tv people purposely doing this to us right? right? i said RIGHT?! say yes laa. Just say it out loud even if you're alone. You're still not saying it are you? *sigh. disappointing. But i have a strong feeling Alina actually said it. hahaha
okay this has lead to something that doesn't make sense.

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