Friday, January 22, 2010

So yesterday we met up with Fana. After ages! okay fine, maybe not that long. but still :P
After school, i went back home to have lunch then i had to go to the dentist, straight from there I went to Bangsar Village 2 to meet up with asla, alina, zam and putri.
I was the odd one out, not wearing school uniform. Heh. Then we went to Bangsar Village 1 to see fana.
Then we went to Marco's, cause fana hadn't had anything to eat. Even if it was HER lunch, and we all had ours.. knowing us when it comes to food :D we ate some of hers.
She also brought her Mac with her. But again, knowing us.. we couldn't resist to not take pictures again and again. Haha. But not long.. not long at all after we all met up, zam, putri and asla had to go back.. Cause they've been there longer than me and fana have. So then we all went to the entrance to say byebye and all. 
Zam and Putri were the first to leave, then it was asla and alina, and then it was 2. Haha. Me and fana, few minutes later my dad came.. My dad sent fana back home, safer lah.. you never know what taxi drivers are like nowadays. Then straight after that i had to go to tuition, went back and slept at 9.30. Lol.

So today.. skipped school cause of maulidur rasul. Malas.
Did some studying at home though.
so off i go now to do other things. lol

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