Wednesday, June 3, 2009

the emancipation

Just got back from the curve after a day with Nadia (: we talked perpetually. Haha. Currently having midyear holiday. 2 weeks is not enough, well the only reason i go to school, as always. just for the friends, that's a common reason. so i've been going out more often nowadays. heh. I hardly do that :P
anyways, school is okay i guess. Thanks to Sukvivi, my class teacher rearranged our places. I sit so far from alina now, like she sits all the way in front with Joel. & i sit at the back with Thira, Anwar & Daniel Afiq. at least now i get to sit under the fan :D and geraldine sits right in front of me, so I'm quite satisfied with that. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey .
i'm ah meng .
you know right .
nice blog babe .