Tuesday, May 19, 2009

obliterate assignments, please.

Everyone was rushing trying to finish their math homework from cik kuah, but then a relief teacher entered the class, so then the whole class was really happy about that, and i mean really happy. But that teacher said cik kuah won't be coming for only one period :(
Sports - The girls toilet had this really stench smell. Couldn't stand the smell of it, so me, alina and geraldine went to change in class. That was quite a hard task. Lol. Then we got bored during sports, so we dared cassie to go to the field & interrupt the guys playing football then she had to sing milkshake and asilla & alina had to make sure they can hear it from far. So I had to go follow her, she didn't wanna do it alone. So random, all guys, then suddenly 2 girls sesat on the field. So cassie did her part. She kicked the ball.. really far. not bad ah cassie ;) Then we played basketball with some other guys. This time alina, nat & asilla played along. We're gonna do this more often. Instead of wasting our time gossiping and all. Lol. Its fun :)
KH - aiyoo.. I really dislike this subject. We had to complete modul 4 by today. I was fully obscure throughout the whole 3 periods. Didn't understand a thing. Most of us took the papers back home, maybe this way I can finish it without rushing. 
omg, why must we do folios for art and civic. Its taking so much of my time. Now I don't have the time to take a nap during the day after school. Innumerable things to do. :( And diagnostics starts tomorrow. great -____-

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