Thursday, April 23, 2009

what the hell

Today was like any other day, but my class teacher expects the class to pay 2 bucks each for some wrapping paper to wrap our desk.
why so expensive oneee? one wrapping paper costs like 0.50 cents -.- I don't mind my desk just how it is now. unwrapped.
Then during BM, doing our work 'quietly '. Suddenly Anis from the back :

Anis : eh raeda, ape maksud " what the hell? "
Then Geraldine started to laugh.
Me : ha? what the hell? I tak tau macam mana nak explain la
Atikah : Hell tu neraka kan?
Me : ha'ah neraka -___- wait, I tanya alina how to explain
       eh alina, how to explain ' what the hell ' to anis? she don't know lah
Alina : * stopped writing whatever was on the whiteboard to turn. *
            what the hell? how to explain ah? wait, how did she pronounce it? :P
Me : Haha.. ask her la.
Alina : Anis, macam mana you cakap what the hell? try I nak dengar
Anis : What. DE . hell ( you know the D so pekat one. )
Alina : ok, example Geraldine buat macam ni * danced like i dont know what la, or something la she did.* lepas tu I pun macam ' what the hell? ' ( then she gave other examples )
Geral : * Didn't mind alina using her name. and continued doing her work *
Anis : ohhh ok ok. ( like satisfied la learned something new )
Alina : ok? good. * turns back in front *
Me and Geral : Aiyoo, I just knew that phrase word like naturally. chehh

What a random question :P 

Then after that, Sejarah En. Chua just gave us notes. As usual, class bullied him. Every word he read out everyone will purposely go
" ha? ape cikgu? repeat. " He couldn't really pronounce the word correctly after he repeated, then he'll write that particular word on the whiteboard. Nice guy. Enough about him :P  Then agama, Ustaz gave notes. thats all I guess. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! i freakin laughed okay! damn funny la thinking about it again!