Sunday, March 29, 2009

so I..

woke up around 7.50 am today, surprisingly. Tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't ;p so I went to take a shower and had breakfast,
then me and my sister left home at 10.40 for swimming practice, I had a test today. Had to swim half of the pool for breaststroke, backstroke & butterfly and the whole pool for freestyle ;) I got 1st place for breaststroke, backstroke & butterfly, and 2nd for freestyle. Had to compete with 7 other people, felt satisfied :) really hope I passed the test.
Then after we reached home, we had to rush to get ready for lunch with the whole family at Le Meridian, the kitchen closes at 2. And coincidentally Zamrina's belated birthday celebration is today, my mum forgot to tell me we were having lunch with the family -__- 
so I missed Zam's thing and went with my family. ate ate ate, went back home and its starting to rain.

and yesterday for that earth day or hour thing, we forgot to switch off the lights. And my sister looked out the window and the whole neighborhood was dark, literally. Shame on us eh? :P then we switched off the lights after 40 minutes. Lol.

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