Sunday, January 30, 2011

scoliosis surgery

I've had scoliosis since I was 9. Didn't tell anyone about it until recently, only told the closest friends before. If you don't know what scoliosis is, look it up or something. Or not. Lol. I was suppose to do the surgery when I was 13. But I got scared and chose not to do it. As I grew older, it got worse. Double curved. Like an 'S' shaped spine. For some poeple theirs will just stay the same and not get any curvier. But mine was the kind that keeps on going, it got to 70 degrees. Which is bad. Hmm -.- whenever I walk for at least 20 minutes, it will start to hurt & I have to take a break then continue walking. So in 2008 I went to a chiroprator where I did treatments for my spine at damansara heights for about a year, I kinda didn't show up anymore. Cause i didn't find any difference. So last year I finally made up my mind to do it cause the cramps and aching just got really bad. Doctor said the only option was surgery. So I made up my mind. It was suppose to be in december but I had to go on a family vacation, so it was on January 25th. I was so excited and counted down the days :)
So I told my friends about it, I didn't really like the fact that I chose the 25th of this year since its my SPM year and I'd have to miss 2 months of school. But I will still study on my own and continue with tuitions soon. 
Went to the hospital a day before the surgery to get a room and get my blood checked. Took so long to get a room cause the hospital was so full. So when I finally got a room, I wasn't happy. It was smelly and with another person who had so many visitors. I needed lots of rest cause I had to be awake by 5am. So I decided to just sleep at home. The next day was the day, I was scared but I had to do it. So I left for the hospital, blablabla.. then they put me to sleep. Next thing I knew, I was in the ICU with all sorts of things attached to me. From what I remember, I only had one injection jarum thing in my hand. then when I woke up I couldn't here clearly, just the doctors and family talking to me but I couldn't answer cause I was still drousy from the anesticia. I was asleep for most of the day until the second day. On the 2nd day they moved me to a normal room. On that day was the day I could feel the pain. It was bad. the 3rd day was alright, the doctor came and showed the new xray, it is now 10 degrees. Which is so much better than before. the doctor tried to make me stand up and try walking for the first time after the surgery. But I only managed to do 3 small steps with the walker. I couldn't even look in front, pening. Well since I was in bed for 3 days. No blood circulation. But later that night, I told my dad I wanted to try to walk. So he helped me up. And I was surprised I could! without feeling ditzy. I am now 2 inches taller, 5'2 and taller than my mum :D still short but I grew overnight. Lol. My parents took turns watching after me. Then on the 4th day I did physiotherapy, the first session wasnt good, I couldn't walk much, I couldn't do that many activities. I was weak.  but for the 2nd session, 4 hours later. I was a lot better, I wasn't ditzy at all and I could walk faster. And on the 5th day, I did more physiotherapy. A lot of improvement, and I'm glad. Right after I was done, my mum told me I can already get discharged, since doctor said I'm able to walk and no fever. That so made my day :') I was so looking forward to going home. So later that day my mum packed everything up and we left. Went hope and everyone said I looked taller and so much thinner. but in fact I gained 5 kg's. And I thought it was casue of the brace, but my dad said it's not. Its made of titanium and its really light. I guess its cause of the hospital food, cause it was so good!  I am not completely recovered, takes about 6 months. Just getting lots of rest at home.

So all in all, I'm happy I did it and it was so worth it :)


Anonymous said...

semoga cepat sembuh (:

Raeda said...

thanks atikah :)