Friday, September 17, 2010

patience is a virtue

I just got back from the imigration to get my passport renewed. omg the wait was soo long! yesterday my mum went there with my dad & younger sister & waited for 5 hours, then it turned out that it wasn't their passport that needed to be renewed. It was mine & my older sister's. So the guy at the counter told my mum she can come back tomorrow (which is today) with me & my sister directly to him & we don't have to wait, but my mum totally forgot.. so we waited for 5 hours. but this time we went back home to just rest for a couple of hours then we went back and we still had to wait for another 150 people. So we decided to just go to the mamak store downstairs while waiting.. so when we went there to the same counter, the guy was like 'ha! saya ingat puan tak akan dtg hari ni. kenapa tadi tak dtg sini terus, saya kan dah cakap puan tak payah tunggu lama lama.' but he was saying it nicely. my mum was like ' oh yea! saya terlupa la ' well that has passed already so. Haha. I'm so tired now, but I have tuition in 20 minutes. So a few days ago I managed to finally finish my accounts project with the huge help from my cousin, yay! :D Tomorrow is Lydia's sweet 16. I wonder what she likes for a present. I suck at present shopping, I never know what to buy. Holidays are almost over :( Anyways, i wanna go shower now. 

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