Saturday, February 20, 2010

another birthday

Today's my daddyo's 44th birthday! Happy birthday bah! muda laagiii *kinghan's style* :P if you don't know who kinghan is. too bad ;) anyways, we haven't celebrated.. its only 1 am. but the plan is to go to my aunts place for bbq.

So overall during the holidays.. I've wasted 96% of my time on the computer and the 4% doing unproductive things. Haha. til now.. i havent touched any of my school homeworks. My bag still has the same books packed last week. homeworks all piled up on my table and i WAS determined to finish it as fast as possible. Buuuut.. heh heh :D i got caught up doing other stuff. my hands ah.. repels homeworks. Haha. I mean it IS called a HOLIDAY, we deserve to not get homeworks right? the nerves of all teachers -__- 

as always.. i'll do everything last minute. and i mean everything. i won't sleep on sunday night. sedeynyer! and i thought one week was long. haha

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