Saturday, August 1, 2009


Today I went to this swimming competition at Cheras with ; my sisters, cousin, nathalia, keith, yew lum, nicholas, sean. Ryan was there but just to watch and support. lol. we've been training for about 4 days xD
woke up at 6.40 am this morning and went to the place, saw my team training again.. so my sisters and I joined them lah. then the other schools came.
We had to compete against 5 different school, and they're all really good. some of em are state swimmers :O
competition started at 10. long story short, we got 3rd place. I had fun in the end ;) didn't make new friends though. hehh. too malas to talk to them.

lately school has been even more stressful by the day.
Finished every kerja kursus :) phewh. Managed to complete KH kerja kursus on thursday with alina. we stayed in the bengkel for 5 hours doing it during and after school hours.
PMR trials is in 2 weeks =S I better go study something now. bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude! congrats! 3rd place