Thursday, March 26, 2009

small details

Real Name: Raeda Hanis Nor
Nickname(s): Rae
Age: 15 this year.
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Male or Female: Female
Middle School: SK Bukit Bandaraya
High School: SMK Bukit Bandaraya.
Hair colour: Brown.
Long or Short: medium length
Loud or Quiet: Loooud :)
Sweats or Jeans: Jeans.
Phone or Camera: phone
Health Freak: ew, heck no
Drink or Smoke: eeiyer.
Do you have a crush on someone: its not a crush anymore ;p
Eat or Drink: Both
Piercings: zero
Social or Anti- Social : Depends on my mood.
First piercing: I got my first one when i was 8. but not anymore, already closed the hole. lol
First relationship : err
First Best Friend: Wan Sarah
First Award: got second in class or smthg like that.
First Kiss : Didnt get one yet ;)
First Pet: a rabbit
First Big Vacation: London
First Big Birthday: on the actual day I was born :D


Want kids?: I'd love to
Want to get married?: eventually
Careers in mind?: anything useful lah

Which is the better in the boy/girl you like

Lips or Eyes?: im fine with both
Romantic or Funny?: abit of both
Shorter or Taller?: Taller
Protective or Caring?: not over-protective, more to caring.
Romantic or Spontaneous?: as long as they make sense ;p
Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: Hahah, dont really focus on that
Sensitive or Loud?: not too loud or sensitive
Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationship
Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: uhmm?

Have you ever

Lost glasses or contacts: don't wear em
Ran away from home: lol. where to go la?
Held a gun/knife for self defence: nopeee.
Killed somebody:  -_____-  fcukkass question.
Broken someone's heart: no?
Been arrested: Nope.
Cried when someone died: honestly, who doesnt?

Do you believe in

Yourself: err, yah?
Miracles: yess
Love at first sight: what do i know about love. hehh
Heaven: yeap
Santa Claus: dont really care
Tooth Fairy: come on la.
Kiss in the first date: patience la patience :P

Answer Truthfully

Is there 1 person you want to be with right now? : yeah
Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now? : sorta. just have to be thankful ;)
 Do you believe in God? : without a doubt I believe in God 

1 comment:

Asilla said...

Killed somebody: -_____- fcukkass question.