Monday, March 16, 2009

only diligent

Today, I received a wake up call from Geraldine. I forgot to set my alarm at 9 am. smart. She was already in front of my house, so I rushed & took a shower, went down & Roshinni just arrived, so we had to wait for Pak Din to get back after sending my grandad to work to send us to Arkib Negara, when we got there we met up with Alina, Zamrina, Asilla & Farhana. Signed up, kept our belongings in our lockers, then went in the library, took us about an hour to find what we needed. I was surprised cause this library was the kind of library where everyone was actually able to keep quiet. Excluding us. Haha. A few people was complaining & doing that *sshh* sound, it was pretty obvious it was for us. Did we care? no :D So anyways, everyone started to starve, decided to hurry up & leave the place to have lunch. Nabiha arrived like, 2 hours after. When we were about to leave. Fana already left after only an hour cause her dad was busy. Everyone was impatient, so we left Nabiha there to find her sources for her assignment. Her cousins was there with her. After we left, we had to get a cab. Asilla, Geral & Roshinni got theirs within 5 minutes, they left. Meanwhile, Me, Alina & Zamrina haaad to wait for a cab for half an hour. perfect. Then, when we were on the way, told the driver to go to Brickfields, suddenly Asilla called Alina to tell that we were going to have lunch in Bangsar. Alina got a little bit pissed. Hahah, then we ate at Banana Jones. It wasn't that bad :) then we walked around Bangsar, bought some stuff. Went back home, Geraldine had to wait for her mum to come fetch her, so we spent about an hour & a half talking :) yeah, thats pretty much it.

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